Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Artist Post: Pascal Dombis

When reading the article for class, I came across Pascal Dombis's Antisana II and was immediately intrigued. Pascal Dombis is a digital artist from France. He was born in 1965. He studied at Insa University in Lyon, France where he got a degree in engineering. After this, he studied at Tuft's University, where he picked up his computer art skills, using computers and algorithms in his art. Here is some of his artwork:

Antisana II, 2008

Irrational Geometrics, 2008

RightRong, 2008-2010

Eurasia, 2012

I think what I find the most interesting about his work is all of his geometric patterns and use of lines. It's fun and vibrant and original. The twists that he's able to create with lines in Antisana II is honestly very unique and probably really hard to do. He really balances all of the colors well in Antisana II and in Irrational Geometrics. 

I added RightRong and Eurasia in this because they are a little bit different from his works. The similarities between these two is the use of words and lines all together. I think that the layering for each word and each line was very well spread out. He takes drawing straight lines into a whole other level with his works of art. 

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