Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Artist Post: Pedro Terrinha

I've been slightly obsessed with this artist for a while, so I thought it would be appropriate to use him for one of my posts. Pedro Terrinha is a photographer from Lisbon, Portugal. You can find some of his photographs here. He describes his photography/ artist style as "colorful, dreamy, and spiritual." The types of cameras that he uses are a Canon 550D, Yashica D, Zenit TTL, and a Pentax Spotmatic SPII. He uses Photoshop CS6, Apophysis, and Fractal Explorer for editing his photographs to make the viewer capture the dreaminess of his photos. Here are just a few of my favorite photos:

A l o n e . i n . b l u e 

W a r m e r . d a y s

S e a. b r e e z e 

I . c a n . s e e . c l e a r l y . n o w

B r i g h t . s t a r

What I like most about Terrinha's photographs is that he takes something real and turns it into something dreamy. He doesn't necessarily make it unreal, but he enhances a lot of things, such as the sparkles in the flower photo above and the vibrant colors in all of his sunset photos. He really takes nature into a whole other perspective when taking and editing these photographs. It makes the viewer feel like they are in real life, but in some sort of fantasy land at the same time as well. The majority of his photos are also based on nature, and I am personally a huge fan of nature photography.

I think this idea behind his work could also be taken negatively. Since it does seem so unrealistic, people can take this as fake photography. Although I don't like editing photos that I take so much, I think it's important that some people are into it. It makes photography a little it more interesting, and I think that this type of editing is what makes Terrinha an original artist.

Here is another website that shows some of his work as well:


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